About me

Veronica McLaughlin. Writer, traveller, film critic, photographer. I’ve got a few too many passions, some of which seem to be gathering dust, or wasting av-photo1way on my hard drive.

While selling a story to a magazine is always exciting, once the next issue is out, it’s gone forever. It’s nice to keep them alive with new readers.

For so many years I was an armchair traveller when the kids were young, I’m happy to share my passion for travel, now that it’s become a reality.

Friends and family have been telling me to get some of this stuff up on a blog so they can see it, read it, peruse it. I’ve made a small dent in some of my writing and a smaller dent into the photography. I hope you’re happy now!

I realise this is the About page, but really, anything else about me that isn’t in these pages or you don’t already know, probably isn’t all that interesting.



Email me at verdant @ ihug.co.nz

41 thoughts on “About me

    1. Thanks… yours is also interesting… It’s like discovering a new magazine… I’m following, too!


      1. You know what, you got it bang on. When I blog, I have exactly that thought in my mind – a magazine touching a variety of subject. So there is no focus, no agenda, just discovery, just serendipity.

        Thanks for noticing 🙂


  1. Found you on link referral…what a great blog! You have some really interesting articles and i’m looking forward to reading more. 🙂


  2. Thank you kindly for adding me to your blog roll. It’s greatly appreciated. You’ve got a fabulous space here on which I’m sure to do much reading.

    thank you for sharing.

    ~ Donna


  3. Thanks for the review on link referral.

    As for the content of my site and blog – I wish I could jazz it up a bit but I’m learning it as I go – and I don’t really have the time to mess with it. For now it serves the purpose.

    Your site is quite nice – I’ll take any tips you have…


  4. You are doing an excellent job on the blog, so much so that I have a hard time keeping up with the latest while revisiting older post. Congratulations and keep posting.


    1. Thanks! I was in Sydney twice – once stuck in the airport all day, the other time, getting onto a cruise ship and it was bucketing, so I didn’t get to see anything – except the bridge and opera house, which were right outside my balcony!
      I plan to come back, although it will be hard to top that!


    1. Thank you Marika – that is such wonderful recognition. It’s a labour of love (and sweat) – and you remind me that it’s worth it.



  5. Hello Veronica!

    Really, really enjoy your blog – love wandering among all of the diverse sections. It’s like a mini-vacation. I’m new to blogging so yours is an inspiration.

    Regarding the Miscellania – John Donne said, “No man is an island.” And while that maybe the case, I often pray, “Dear God, if no man is an island…then at least make me a penninsula.”

    Go well!


    1. Thanks, Cafe Girl… I appreciate the kind words. Thank you. (And I ma pretty sure I was channelling Donne when I wrote the miscellania…)
      Cheers, Veronica


    1. I am amazed by the whole world – every place I’ve been. But maybe I leave – at least in part, so I can come home to Titirangi. And let’s face it, as much as I travel, I generally am here about 9-10 months of the year…


    1. You’re a very naughty little sister, but I forgive you. As long as you come back…

      Thinking about maybe possibly coming to NY in November. I don’t know if I am going to have a job or not – and if not – I could love November in NY…


  6. Hi Veronica, really excellent work; your writing is superb…wanted to tell you that we just started a new blog on tango history…each day we post an event that
    happened that day in tango history…it can be the birth of a famous singer,
    composer of poet, the debut of a film or the recording of a famous tango song…
    you can even search tango principles according to their sun sign

    Can you help spread the word by letting your friends know about it or placing
    a link on your blog…there is no advertising or money involved…we’re
    not selling anything, we simply love tango and in particular tango history…we
    welcome any suggestions…..

    If you come to Rome, please let us know…we would be glad to welcome you
    and show you around; my wife and I love meeting and being with people…thanks, have a
    nice day…well here is the link http://todayintango.wordpress.com/

    Oscar Wright and Maria Teresa Ruocco
    66 via ovidio
    00195 Rome, italy
    Hm 06-45437139
    Cel: 340-646-7159
    Web Site: http://www.zentangodeoscarwright.com


  7. I found your blog via refzip and quickly signed up to follow. I was drawn in by your photo of rambutan, a fruit I know well because my wife is Malaysian. I have only visited her home country once, but like you I sure miss the food. We currently live in the UK, but her Mum lives in Auckland. You must tell me if that Malaysian restaurant is good so I can tell my mother-in-law! Looking forward to more great photos.


    1. Hey Michael! As promised a report on the restaurant. It’s called Sri Puteri’s, 59 Queens Rd, Panmure, Auckland.
      The verdict was it was mostly authentic (though the ‘local coffee’ was Nescafe…), but the chef/cook wasn’t all that good. It was doing a brink business in an out of the way suburb.

      I probably wouldn’t go there again as I find KK Malaysian (463 Manukau Road, Epsom) much better, though I always have to order extra chili since they refuse to believe anyone of European stock can handle it…

      If you ever make it down here to visit Mum, let me know – we can meet there for lunch! I’d love to meet your ‘adorable wife.’ ;-}


      1. No, rambutan and lychee are different flavours, though it’s a while since I had either so I’d be a poor describer of tastes!

        We are always being bugged to visit the in-laws so we will definitely be in the area again one day. We visited almost exactly one year ago. We visited a Malaysian restaurant hidden away in East Tamaki, but the wife and I actually enjoyed a Korean restaurant a few doors up called Dae Jang Geum (also a great Korean TV Show if you can find it). I can highly recommend it. Their address is: 22A Torrens Rd East Tamaki.


  8. I don’t even know how I found you. You have touched my inner storyteller like none other. My daughter and her family live in Leigh, north of Aukland, but Titirangi seems to be more my style. I’m vigorously campaigning for assistance to move there. I live in Denver, CO right now. Thank you for the steady dose of inspiration! my blog (albeit a lonely, mostly ignored thing) is here: http://susurrus24.blogspot.com/

    I hope to meet you in person some day!


    1. Hi Mardene! Lovely to meet you… Yes, Titirangi is a bit of a world unto itself – The first week I shifted to NZ (back in 94) we drive through here and I was rapt – the idea of living right in the trees… and still be able to get to work in under and hour… unheard of for the common folk in New York!

      I am definitely available to meet face to face! Let me know when you’re in the neighbourhood…


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